March 8th, 12pm
General Meeting
@ Katie’s in PW
Welcome to the Arkansas Valley Dressage Association (AVDA)! Our organization was founded in
2007, and we are a chapter of the Rocky Mountain Dressage Society (RMDS). The AVDA serves
dressage enthusiasts from across southern Colorado and even into New Mexico. You don’t need
to be an equestrian or even have a horse to join our club. All you need is an open mind and
heart and an interest in the sport of classical dressage. Diversity is a big part of our organization.
Our membership includes people of all ages from a variety of equestrian backgrounds. Many
breeds of horses are represented in our club: Thoroughbreds, Quarter Horses, warmbloods,
Andalusians, Friesians, Arabians, gaited breeds, mustangs, Fjords, Icelandics, Saddlebreds,
Gypsy Vanners, drafts, and more. Classical dressage is not exclusive in terms of rider or horse
breed. AVDA provides educational opportunities, social engagement, and support in
improving our equine relationships. We also provide assessment of dressage riding
advancement and horse training through our schooling shows and ride-a-tests. We focus on
pursuing education, having fun, developing friendships, and improving our dressage skills. When
you join the RMDS (which is in Region 5 nationally) and select the AVDA as your chapter, you
will automatically become a group member of the United States Dressage Federation (USDF).
You will receive the USDF’s monthly magazine, Connection, and the online monthly RMDS
publication, The Centaur. In addition, you will receive a yearly hard-copy publication, Omnibus
from the RMDS, which includes the RMDS show schedules, dressage tests, showing information,
and numerous articles and information regarding our sport. You also will receive the AVDA’s
monthly newsletter online. We welcome your questions, membership, and participation at
whatever level suits you best. Click the “JOIN” button to get started!